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- دورة انظمة الطاقة الشمسية الموصولة بالشبكة on-grid
الثلاثاء، 15 أكتوبر 2019
الجمعة، 21 يونيو 2019
ماهي بارمترات إختيار منظم الشحن ؟
ماهي بارمترات إختيار منظم الشحن ؟
1- تيار الشحن /تيار الأحمال
2- الفولتية القصوى التى يتحملها في مدخل الألواح
3-جهد شحن البطريات
pick the best controller
happy to help you to pick the best controller.
If you need to make some quick calculations, the following information will be needed to manually figure out the amperage of the controller needed:
The wattage of the solar array
The battery-bank voltage (12, 24, or 48). Typical bank voltage because inverters are offered in these voltages.
Now Ohm’s Law comes into play: Amps x Volts = Watts
Example: 3,000watt array/48volt battery bank = 62.5 amps, so you would need a controller capable of 62.5 amps. Most controllers out there are either 60, 80 or 96 amps so you would pick the controller with the next higher rating. In this case, it would be the 80 amp controller.
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