
الأحد، 24 يوليو 2016

Stand-Alone System Design By: Phil Undercuffler

Stand-Alone System Design By: Phil Undercuffler

Sizing and specifying a system for off-grid clients can be the hardest challenge a designer ever faces. Most stand-alone systems are inherently more complex, with more complicated interactions between components, than standard gridtied systems. Good stand-alone system design is based on careful interaction with the clients. Essential steps in creating an efficient and reliable system that meets the clients’ expectations include understanding their motivations and requirements, helping them determine their needs and desires, tailoring the design to match the hard realities of their site and budget and turning the results of this soul searching into hardware and components. Fifteen years ago, when my wife and I built a home in New Mexico and moved off the grid, these were our own challenges.
While the US solar industry has undergone amazing transformation in the past 15 years, the key steps to designing effective and durable stand-alone systems have remained consistent. In this article, I do not present a comprehensive design guide, but rather I introduce the critical decision points in the design and installation of high-quality stand-alone residential power systems.

Stand-Alone System Design By: Phil Undercuffler

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