
الأربعاء، 23 مارس 2016

SolarGIS Applications and Solutions

About SolarGIS

SolarGIS is a geographical information system designed to meet the needs of the solar energy industry.
It integrates solar resource and meteorological data with tools for planning and performance monitoring of solar energy systems.

What can you do with SolarGIS?

  • Understand solar resource of every spot on Earth
  • Plan and Monitor energy production of PV systems
  • Make better decisions based on highly accurate information

Learn about the SolarGIS Database

SolarGIS Applications and Solutions

Pre-qualify locations
based on solar resource
availability »

Get instant and precise
estimates of energy output
for planned PV power plants »

Monitor recent and past
performance of your existing
PV power plants »

Purchase time series
and TMY data for detailed
due diligence »

Receive data in real time
for performance monitoring
of solar energy systems »

Data visualisation on poster
maps, in digital form or
for your GIS software »


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